The system automatically detects the categorie, no need to know code. It improves user comfort and greatly optimizes the server. New system of category to manage the group of job in one list since 23 august 2018. For example, only to those of the whitelist, or public, or only for the people who have the vip rank or donator. Set the type of accessibility of each of the jobs.
The system automatically detects the jobs, no need code. System of right Compatible with ULX and ServerGuard since 21 january 2017. No Lag when the data use more than 5000 entries since update 1.7. There is no need to give an FTP access to your administrators, it is editable in-game without need to reboot, It is instantaneous. Compatible with all Job and gamemode using DarkRP base(StarwarsRP,SchoolRP,ZombieRP,PoudlardRP). You can manage job groups by their category, configured by default in the file : darkrp/gamemode/config/a Since the version 4.3 Big optimisation with new category system. Since the version 3.8 you can use the context Menu to add the players in the whitelist, They will also be notified in the chat and the console. Since version 2.0 all is more simple and powerfull! You can set type of whitelist per job, disable the systems without clear the data with the table 'management jobs'. Since version 1.9 you can allow some job add in the whitelsit. You can disable the filter effect from the admin panel without clear the lists. All jobs is public when you start check the screen in media of this script. Always maintained by the original author. The first Whitelist job system of Garry's Mod & Gmodstore. Official Whitelist Job System Without DRM. It helps you to save time and increases the reliability of your servers." Players not in the Job-whitelist can not access on the job you decided to lock to the public.
Job Whitelist system is a script to restrict the access to a job, editable in real time for your gmod DarkRP server. The first Whitelist job system of GMod, that I had published on Gmodstore I continued to update. "My Official Whitelist Job System without DRM.