And if the PCs pass an easy perception check, they will hear that the next wave is incoming. They tend to come in waves and are those usually a bit more prepared as the first groups have comm-links and are calling out what is happening. i don't bring the entire clan/gang/horde at once. Have minions in 7 groups of two and the last group firing some sorta gunnery weapon. Remember to have your minions aim also.Ģa) Sheer numbers. Also put the groups apart with supporting arcs of fire as that it'll require time to move between them. With out reflect, the groups become problematic just because of the amount of fire. Even with reflect, the FnD PC's will burn through a lot more strain. Two groups of two minions with get two shots. A group of four minions will get one shot albeit a good one. Hit when they have no way to use dem shiny laser death wands.Ģ) Same number of minions in smaller groups. Eventually, if they leave a big enough wake of destructionġa) Need to go - Hear those sirens in the background? A klaxon? Somebody (or somebodies) banging on the doors? Not all fights should be winnable out right and occasionally making the PCs run makes for a better story (IMO).ġb) Space battles - If the PC's have to avoid planet side entanglements caused by their wanton wake of destruction, they will have to go to space. This forces our FnD PC's to usually think twice about using them. And none of that attention usually wanted. Also, remember you can't use reflect if your lightsaber isn't out yet -) For maximum frustration, give him a jetpack or speeder bike behind cover, so when they get too close, he can just run away to harass another day.Ī couple of things that I use against lightsabers:ġ) Public encounters - Pulling a lightsaber out in a populated area and fighting is sure to attract a lot of attention. Imperial Sniper: give him a good sniper rifle (Perhaps a slugthrower with a suppressor) that can shoot from extreme range, a holographic ghillie suit or something else that boosts stealth, and have him take shots at the group. As they are trained to resist the force, give him some kind of resistance, such as an automatic success on discipline checks to resist force powers, or that force powers require an additional pip to activate against him.

You could back him up with regular nikto minions or less experienced Morgukai. There are stats for a Morgukai Cortosis Staff in one of the books. Deflecting multiple hits a round will eat through your strain really fast (be sure to back him up with some novice minions, probably using the squad rules so that the minions can take damage for the nemesis)Īnother interesting encounter would be a Morgukai (sp?), the nikto warrior cult that hunt force sensitives. A Mandalorian Jedi hunter nemesis with an autofire weapon could be interesting, especially if it's a heavy blaster rifle and he starts at long-range.